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Towards a strengthened European cooperation in Brain health research - Program
21 October 2024
Modified: 22 October 2024
Reading time: 6 minute(s)

Towards a strengthened European cooperation in Brain health research conference under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Date: 9-10 December 2024
Venue: Semmelweis University, Basic Medical Science Center, Budapest, Tűzoltó u. 37-47, 1094


All speakers and panelists to be confirmed

All sessions will be livestreamed, but we encourage in-person participation as there will be various networking opportunities throughout the program.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

18:00-21:00 Speakers’ dinner (for speakers, panelists, organizers and Stakeholder Advisory Committee members)

Monday, 9 December 2024

8:30- 9:00 Registration and welcome coffee
9:00-11:00 Site visit - Semmelweis University, HUN-REN KOKI
9:00-11:00 Early bird sightseeing: Alternative walking tour in Budapest by Budapestflow max. 40 participants (optional)
12:00-13:00 Welcome lunch
13:00-14:15 High-level opening session
  Brain Health is an emerging and growing concept that encompasses neural development, plasticity, functioning, and recovery including mental health aspects in a life course perspective. Numerous interconnected social, environmental, life style choices and biological determinants (incl. genetics) play a role in brain development and brain health throughout the life course. The aging population of Europe, the increasing number of people of with mental conditions, especially among the younger generations poses a great challenge for the European work force and burdens the European health care systems. What is the role of European research cooperations and what are the main RDI trends?

Theme 1: What will the future of European Brain Health research look like? New challenges in research cooperations

14:15-15:15 Panel session: Global Dialogue in Brain research
  Enhancing global cooperation in Brain research

15:15-15:45 Coffee break, networking, family photo
15:45-16:50 Parallel sessions: Deep dive into challenges defining the societal impact of European Brain Health research
  Transdisciplinarity goes beyond the already widely used concepts of inter- and multidisciplinarity. The main message of transdisciplinarity is that social/societal challenges should be viewed and dealt with a different approach, where the perspectives of different disciplines are utilised in a complimentary way. During the parallel sessions the discussions will explore some crucial issues related to the incentives and obstacles of achieving societal impact of Brain Health research in Europe with a strong emphasis on the multistakeholder approach and exploitation of research results.
15:45-15:55 Introduction to parallel sessions: Social impacts
16:00-16:50 Parallel session 1. Discovery neuroscience research as a foundation for brain health
16:00-16:50 Parallel session 2. Incentivizing the translation of research results into practice. Where are the bottlenecks and how to overcome them?
16:00-16:50 Parallel session 3. Potentials for healthy ageing from a transdisciplinary perspective – What is the role of the European RDI cooperation?
16:00-16:50 Parallel session 4. Early detection and diagnosis of diseases – how can RDI benefit from stakeholders joining forces?
16:50-17:00 Transition break – finding discussion tables
17:00 – 17:45 What is your story? Stakeholders in Brain Health research
  Small group discussion meetings for different audience groups based on their institutional profile, discussion. The conversation clusters bringing together stakeholders from different countries and with different backgrounds focus on the “every days” of Brain Health research.

  • How do you see the benefit of European research efforts in your daily work?
  • What is the main challenge for you in engaging in national and international cooperations?
  • What would you need for strengthened participation in European collaborative efforts?
17:45-18:00 Wrap-up of the parallel sessions, main topics discussed
  Presented by the rapporteurs of each session
19:00-21:00 Networking Dinner

Tuesday, 10 December 2024


Theme 2: Adding the puzzle-pieces together: Towards a strong European Brain Health research landscape

8:30-9:00 Welcome coffee
9:00-9:30 Recap and highlights of Day 1. Setting the scene for Day 2.
9:30-10:30 Pieces of the same puzzle: Good practices and recommendations for pan-European joint efforts from the European Brain Health research initiatives
10:30-11:00 Spotlight on success stories of European research projects presented by early career researchers
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:30 Parallel sessions: Deep dive into hot topics of research collaborations on European level
11:30-12:30 Parallel session 1. Role of research infrastructures in European Brain Health research
 11:30-12:30 Parallel session 2. Challenges in Widening countries: Bridging the innovation divide with European Brain Health collaborations
11:30-12:30 Parallel session 3. Patient organizations’ involvement in Brain research cooperation
11:30-12:30 Parallel session 4. Neuroethics and responsible sharing of data
12:30-13:30 Networking lunch
13:30 – 14:00 Plenary session: Introducing the Designing of a European Brain Health Landscape project
  State of play of the new European Brain Health Partnership
14:00 – 15:00 Closing session
  Towards a strengthened European cooperation in Brain health research
15:00-17:00 Coffee offered for optional program
15:00-17:00 “Coffee and cake sessions” Optional programs for participants
  To B2B or not to B2B? Networking and matchmaking opportunities for future consortium building
  The list and short bio of the conference participants will be made available for the registered participants in order to facilitate networking. The participants will have the opportunity in advance to schedule B2B meetings for this time-slot and discussion tables will be provided
  Workshop on stakeholder engagement in health research for early career researchers
  As Brain Health is a domain that requires holistic and multidisciplinary approach, a practice-oriented workshop will be provided for the participating early career researchers in techniques of stakeholder engagement.
  Forum for regional and national patient organizations
  The involvement of patient organizations is key for the successful RDI collaborations. The engagement of these entities can however be problematic, especially from the Widening region. The conference provides an opportunity for the patient organization representatives to meet and discuss specific problems and exchange good practices for stronger future collaboration.

About Registration Program Getting here
Updated: 22 October 2024
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