You are here: For the applicantsNews and eventsEventsEvents of the OfficeTowards a Strengthened European Cooperation in Brain Health Research (9-10 December 2024)Livestreaming
Towards a strengthened European cooperation in Brain health research - Livestream
09 December 2024
Modified: 02 January 2025
Reading time: 1 minute(s)

The conference aims to address this crucial topic for European society by promoting a multi-stakeholder approach to maximize the societal impact of brain health research. It seeks to gather feedback on the challenges and best practices of cooperation and discuss potential pathways towards effective and dynamic pan-European research and innovation collaboration. The event will feature various plenary and interactive formats to engage stakeholders, including workshops and side events. The conference will focus on two interconnected aspects: addressing brain health with a holistic view through cooperation among stakeholders in the European research and innovation ecosystem, and the role of joint European research and innovation initiatives in promoting brain health by incentivizing and funding collaborative research to achieve societal impact.

9 December 2025

Updated: 02 January 2025
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